Looking for an active sourcing agency? Our active sourcing specialists will find new talent for you!

Would you like to use active sourcing to recruit new employees for your company? A good decision – because in the “war for talent” only those who are active and approach candidates can survive.
The challenge: Active sourcing requires a high level of recruiting expertise.
With an active sourcing agency at your side, you receive professional support and can even outsource the entire recruiting process.
We at Brandmonks also support companies through active sourcing. Below you will find out how we can attract talent for you through active candidate approach and why we are the perfect partner at your side.
Many recruiting agencies offer active sourcing as a service. But what does that actually mean?
In this way, we find qualified candidates and approach them specifically. This approach is particularly cost-effective and efficient compared to conventional recruiting methods. In addition, we reach not only job seekers, but the entire candidate market.
In principle, active sourcing is suitable for any company that relies on forward-looking human resources management and is open to innovative ways of finding candidates. Whether IT, engineering, electrical engineering, healthcare or finance - the industry does not matter.
The size of the company is also irrelevant. Large corporations and medium-sized companies can fill vacancies more quickly using this method. Start-ups often have a high demand for talent during their growth phase, but limited internal resources for recruiting. An active sourcing provider can offer valuable support in such cases.
The method is worthwhile for anyone who is struggling to find suitable talent. The company should also be prepared to break out of the routine of fishing in the same, limited pool of applicants using the same methods. Active sourcers can break through established recruiting routines and fill the talent pool with highly qualified talent using unconventional methods.
For companies that are Search for skilled workers abroad, an active sourcing service provider can actively search for and approach candidates in the target countries.
Our experts support you in your candidate search with active sourcing.
Brandmonks has experienced specialists in this field, for example Katharina Pratesi: She was awarded the Active Sourcing Award 2017 as best active sourcer in Germany excellent.
The services of our consultant team include:
In addition, we offer Active Sourcing Trainings, where we prepare your HR and recruiting department for the active search for applicants.
Just take Contact with us or book directly a non-binding 30 minute meeting with our Active Sourcing experts: