How to overcome obstacles in the digitalization of recruiting

Digitalisierung im Recruiting - Hindernisse ueberwinden

In many companies, the potential of digitalization in recruiting is not fully exploited. We show you what the most common problems are and how you can advance the transformation.

Anyone who wants to keep up in the battle for skilled workers on the job market today cannot avoid the digital transformation of their recruiting. Most HR managers are aware of this fact, but the RECRUITING DIGITIZATION progress is rather slow in many companies. Below you will find out why this is the case and which approaches you can use to overcome the obstacles.

From paperwork and outdated technologies

Many companies still rely on manual recruiting processes. These are sometimes based on stacks of paper documents or decentrally stored applicant data that is collected in various on-premise systems, applications or in colleagues' inboxes. The individual, sometimes outdated tools are usually not linked to one another, which means that many processes are slow and non-transparent.

In small companies, recruiting may just about work under these conditions. But as soon as the number of employees and the number of positions to be filled increases, these processes and data volumes become too confusing and involve high levels of effort and expense.

(Image source: NicoElNino –

Nowadays, recruiting is all about streamlining and automating processes and using artificial intelligence to quickly identify the best talent with the right skills. In addition, user-friendly applicant touchpoints are needed in all phases of the candidate journey for a perfect Candidate ExperienceAll of this must be managed transparently via a central recruiting platform that all those responsible can access.

Obstacles to digitalization

Many recruiters are aware of the problem, but they often do not find enough support from their company to drive digitalization in their area. According to the Recruiter Experience Study 2018 According to Meta HR and, only 17% of all recruiters surveyed are satisfied with the level of digitization in their work area.

The study Recruiting strategies 2018 of has identified budget limitations and a lack of “digital culture” as the two most common obstacles to Digital Recruiting The third most common reason given is a lack of specialist knowledge. Other challenges include data protection regulations or the fear of a "dehumanization" of recruiting.

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Setting the course for digital transformation

Budget constraints will soon become a thing of the past if managers can be shown how cost-efficiently the recruitment process can be with the help of digital solutions. Of course, a distinction must be made here: medium-sized and larger companies should rely on sophisticated technologies with automation options. Smaller companies with low recruitment needs, on the other hand, can use "simpler", cheaper tools so that the investment costs and benefits are in proportion.

However, there is a particularly great need for action in establishing a digital culture: there needs to be a change in awareness and active promotion of the discussion of digital recruiting solutions in the companies concerned. This "change" can be achieved through targeted change management and the gradual introduction and implementation of a suitable digital recruiting system.

Digital recruiting with SAP SuccessFactors

A recommendation from us for the search for the optimal E-recruiting solution for companies of all sizes is the recruiting module of the SAP SuccessFactors Suite. All recruiting processes, from job advertisements to the selection process, can be 100% digitized and largely automated.SAP SuccessFactors

“With SAP SuccessFactors Recruiting, administrative effort and Time to Hire can be significantly shortened,” says Dorte Völker (SAP SuccessFactors-certified Senior Talent Acquisition Consultant).

With the cloud solution, all recruiting processes can be tracked by the entire team at any time, regardless of location, and candidate information can be accessed in real time. In addition, a wide range of processes are simplified and optimized: from the creation of modern, target group-oriented career pages to the placement of job advertisements on portals that the system identifies as particularly suitable, to the timely, automated sending of job offers.

What certainly plays an important role for many companies is that users quickly find their way around SAP SuccessFactors Recruiting. The training required for the software is manageable and previous experience or special expertise is not necessary to use it.

Also read: The most important success factors for recruiting digitization with SAP SuccessFactors