Bildungsprofis gGmbH is an educational company that specializes in various educational areas. Its main focus is on educational and qualification initiatives.
The company used our web-based recruiting tool flynne as part of their potential analysis program. The heart of flynne is a platform that uses AI to process objective data for better predictions of a candidate's suitability and potential and provides companies looking for candidates with a suitable candidate pool in real time. This enables better predictions of the suitability and potential of candidates.
In diesem Kontext setzten wir unser Tool ein, um Arbeitssuchende bei der Identifizierung ihres Potenzials zu unterstützen und sie erfolgreich in den Arbeitsmarkt zu integrieren. Kandidaten wurden zu einer sogenannten „Kompetenzreise“ eingeladen, bei der sie ihr eigenes Potenzial testen und relevante berufsbezogene Fragen beantworten konnten.
The flynne system objectively analyzes how well a candidate fits the requirements of a specific position based on statistical correlations. It provides Bildungsprofis gGmbH with a pool of suitable candidates in real time, making the entire selection process more efficient and effective.